
Intro: The mining industry has a 500-year-old history in the country that dates back to the Spanish conquistadores. Considering the deep engraining of the industry in Mexico, companies often struggle to keep up with new trends in technology and automation. The high levels of competition in the market and the near-end of the mining slump are forcing operators to break out of their shells and enter the digital revolution. Those that have already taken the plunge find that technology can make mines safer, more productive and more profitable. Soon robots and automated vehicles will replace humans doing the most dangerous tasks in mine sites, greatly reducing the probability of accidents in projects. Data analytics and centralized management systems allow managers to make informed decisions from remote locations in real time while curbing operating costs and the use of energy. But for all of these predictions to become a reality, companies must overcome entrenched paradigms and a resistance to change.

Key Question: What are the main benefits of the digital revolution in the Mexican mining industry?
