
If someone wanted to turn on a dishwasher, a streetlight or even a car assembly line in Mexico as recently as 2015, there was precious little choice on the matter: arrange to build a power generation plant with the sole purpose of supplying all or part of the electricity needs, as many companies did, or call the state owned CFE to connect them. Since last year, however, the number of choices has multiplied. Off-takers and even residential consumers are looking at several options for getting the electricity they need, from energy traders to the still untested spot market.

It does not end there. There are still parts of the Wholesale Electricity Market (MEM) waiting to unfold, such as the Clean Energy Certificates (CELs) that will help industrial users comply with sustainability and clean energy goals to the financial transmission rights to ensure electricity reaches its intended destination.

This chapter takes a look at some of the developments to come, as well as some of the players already probing the financial depths of the industry.
